Nhoma Safari Camp is a small, activity orientated, tented camp, situated in the north eastern corner of Namibia on communal land of the Ju|’hoan San or Bushmen (as they are commonly known in Namibia).
What makes Nhoma Safari Camp unique is it location just next to the local village of Nhoma, home of the Ju|'hoansi San Bushmen.

The Ju|'hoan San people, like other recent hunter-gatherer communities, are the only analog we have for understanding how human kind organised themselves before the agricultural revolution.The activities at the camp are centred around the Bushmen culture and ranges from hunting and tracking wild animals, veld food gathering, the making of hunting equipment to traditional games and the healing dances.

"Wildest of the wild.
We wanted wildest Africa and this is what we got.
Really interesting even though wildlife was scarce.
Best part was interacting with the San people who seemed to enjoy our visit to their village and waved us off when we left."
- via Expert Africa
"Visiting Nhoma was the highlight of my trip to Namibia, and although it's quite a long way to get there it is 100% worth it.
You won't be able to find a more authentic and in-depth way to learn about the Ju/'hoans and their culture/language/way of life.
The facilities are also quite nice despite their remoteness -- this was perhaps the most comfortable bed I slept in while in Namibia.
The food is also all fantastic!"
- Nathan, USA via Tripadvisor
"This remarkable and pioneering philanthropic project aims to provide visitors with opportunities for some interaction with these people in return for a modest income, which helps the villagers with medical support, opportunities for education and other essentials. The presence of the camp and the trickle of interested visitors has also had the effect of making the local people start to feel proud rather than ashamed of their traditional way of life and will hopefully ensure the opportunity for people to continue to life this way into the future, should they wish to do so."
- via Africa Travel Resource

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